Alternative titles could be non-as-stylised art or more realistic art in VNs (I warned you that all I could really talk about was art :P)
As we are aware, Anime/manga styled art is by far the most popular in VNs. I would say this comes down to a) a lot of commercial (as in the majority) VNs come from Japan and so strongly influence the style b) the style is popular at the moment c) stylisation is seen as beneficial in this medium and d) people who are interested in VNs also tend to be interested in other things related to Japanese pop culture.
Personally I would like to see more diversity used within the medium for diversities sake if nothing else. My personal style defaults into manga inspired, but it's still nice to see other things. I get very sad when people feel they NEED to do anime style for a VN or fear their work will be rejected for not having anime styled work. I think it's a bunch of nonsense anyway. The two most important things for art in VN is a) it's relevance to the story and it's tone of voice and b) it's quality and how aesthetically pleasing it is. While everyone has personal likes and dislikes, generally people can agree on whether something 'works' or not and that is the primary function, 'to work'.
Anyway, the reason I brought this up was because we just complete a very short project that Camille did for one of her classes. We decided on not doing anime styled art because we didn't want people to dismiss the story because 'it was just cartoons' and because of the stigma attached to anime. Since these were people that were in her class there was no way of telling what their interests were. It was unlike posting on the internet in certain places were you knew at least some people shared that interest. We were tossing up between something a bit more western like the original concept art I did for Red Snow, or something more realistic.
I choose to do something more realistic to try it out and to do something different. As much as I love manga styled stuff, it can be a little boring doing it all the time. It's fun to change it up. My main focus was looking at how difficult this would be to actually pull off, which is my main point of this thread. I thought I could go over the pros and cons I ran into with this style. I was originally going to do something fairly messy and painterly, but I went into more details than I was expecting. And so these are my thoughts on the process.
Concepts and Sketches
For this part I was relying on photos a lot to study facial shapes, eyes, hair, you name it. Because I was stepping back from stylisation there was a lot of stuff I couldn't just guess. At the same time I had strong bases to work from and lots of references. I didn't really have to bridge the gap between realality and style as much. With a more realistic style, mistakes stood out more clearly (both a good and bad thing) and the details were more important. Overall, I don't think it really was more time consuming than usual. I was working more from reality and so there wasn't as much need for me to pull something from scratch.
Doing the base, especially the faces and hair, were time consuming. However, I don't think it was too much more time consuming. The most time consuming things with my usual style is the lineart and the blocking (god, I hate blocking). I had to do neither for this style. Instead the time was sunk into getting the blending right, facial features in the right spot, lighting and style. Since I was leaving of the mouth, eyes and eye brows there were significant spaces that were very rough that I hoped to paint over with the emotions.
Were waaaaaaaaaaaay easier to do than I thought. I thought this would be something I really struggled with. Getting them to look right was a bit of a challenge and some parts like wrinkles and that were a pretty fine balancing act. However, after that it wasn't too hard. Once the first emotion was done, I duplicated the layer and edited it directly. This meant that all that space I had painted over remained generally the same and I could just change what I needed to. I think in some ways this was easier than my usual style were painting over isn't really an option since the style tends to be cleaner.
Simple arm poses were easy to do. The slight roughness of the style made it fairly quick to do these changes. Larger changes however were another kettle of fish and something I didn't fully pull off. With so many details defining who this person is, it is very easy to mess up and have it look not-quite-right. Stylisation tends to give you more leeway in this regard.
My layers in photoshop got really messy, really quickly. It's easier to be more disciplined when you have lineart>base>shading>lighting etc. With this style I had a terrible habit of 'touching up' areas on random layers, not naming my layers as well, not putting them in folders. They tidied up not to bad, but my adjustment folder was still a nightmare. Camille couldn't use her usual sprite process because of it, so I'm not sure if I could pull off this style for a larger project.
lol layers
Due to its nature, I'm not sure this would be something I could do a lot of just right now. I would have to improve my skills significantly and my sprite making abilities. However, I did learn a lot and I was pretty pleased with the overall visual effect it had. The adjustment layer thing would have to be something I got a grip on though. I'm not sure if I would do something like this again. Might try something more in the middle, like with lineart and fairly painterly shading or something. I honestly don't want to attempt to do people CGs in this style D: And that's my experience with doing something like this.