It's safe to assume that the majority of KS fans won't touch other EVNs (Even if you took a random screenshot at some random point in the game and come up with a photofiltered bedroom bg with no sprites that makes it undistinguishible with gazillions of other EVNs out there).
And the KS method of development was never a model to follow, it's just not sustainable. How many of the KS team eventually went and made their own VNs? A few, but I doubt making them was as satisfying as the uber grand project. Five years is too long for game development. Technologies change, game engines change, desktop resolutions change. You have to get that game out while it's still not outdated.
As a creator, I will always feel better being 1 out of 4 people (1 out of 2 is even better; 1 out of 1 is perfect) rather than 1 out of 20. Sure, the project is lauded everywhere, but how much of that praise is because of something I did?
And you know what the world needs? A mecha EVN. There was one... Exile Gear Raynar... was short, was old, and made in Onscripter. I can't believe hardly anybody wants to make a mecha VN. I'm conceiving something like Gurren Lagann and using an isometric grid battle. I really want something like this made, if not by me (since I have hardly any time... except when I'm in the office lol), than somebody or some team out there.
It needs some Anonymous grabbing some sketches by VOFAN or something and rallying people together. But the cold and bitter truth out there is that your project will be more likely to be completed if you do it just by yourself or a tiny team, since "Let's form a team!" projects rarely work out. And the result will tend to be on the short and unimpressive end of the stick. KS raised the bar, but nobody but a company can meet it now (In fact 4LS as a studio is bigger than GUST incorporated). And who is going to invest so much in VNs?