So, we've got a good start on sub sections around here. And I believe, taken as a whole, they allow for appropriate categorization of topics and discussion, with perhaps one exception: General.
My original assumption was that the General section would really be more for "off topic" random discussion about anything non-VN-related. But now I have to wonder...So far, it's served as a general discussion for VN-related topics. That's fine by me. But should there be a section meant for general off-topic discussion about what-have-you?
As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. And I'm curious if the relatively wide-open, wide-ranging discussions on LSF have hurt it, rather than helped it. It's got a General forum for those off-topic discussions. Plus other forums for discussion about other forms of Japanese-related media. By having those forums, does it lure in a...clientele that isn't necessarily looking to discuss issues surrounding creation of EVNs, or even VNs in general? And does that user base build up to the point where it overwhelms the original user base—who was there for discussion about EVNs—and thus, we end up with the messy state that LSF is in right now?
On the flip side, having a "casual" forum where people can chit chat about whatever seems like a reasonable idea. If the place is only about "business" or "shop talk", perhaps that would create the appearance of being a little too intimidating and standoff-ish?