by Auro-Cyanide » Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:12 pm
I agree that it's going to be a time thing if it happens. The other thing of course is content. You need things for people to talk about to be active. It would probably take a while for projects to pick up because a) sheer quantity tends to come from excited people posting without much thought. If you have a small community, and people stick to their projects, you are looking at quite a limited amount of projects and b) being the serious people we are, we spend an awful lot of our time working ;P I might chuck something up for BCM one day (the progress on it seriously slowed down since I went overseas on holidays, it will only pick up again once Nanoreno is done) but I think something like Red Snow or the other short one we have planned might be more applicable for this type of thing. But yes, maybe when I have time... I just have to find some.
Which leaves us with other kinds of content that relates to VNs. I have been toying with one idea, but I don't know if anyone would be very interested in it or not, but I thought maybe it might be a nice way to promote constructive discussion. So anyway, might as well throw it out there. I'm a huge fan of Extra Creditz and I love watching the episodes. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in having discussions based on episodes and how we think the topic discussed relates to VNs. They don't often mention VNs, but a lot of the things they talk about can be applied to us as well. So if anyone is interested, I wouldn't mind doing something every week/certain amount of days. I mean, there isn't many of us here, but I would like to talk about it.
I think LSF has gotten better with useful feedback, but I can honestly say I have been a little busy to notice too much. People seem a little more inclined to speak honestly about certain things, which is good.
As for Jake's question, yes, we have a WiP on LSF. We weren't going to because we tend to spam our threads as it is (and it has been more fast paced than I thought it would be), but Py'Tom opened a specific section for it, so we chucked it in. It is fun being a part of a community after all. Feedback is welcome, but isn't really something we can take on board too much. Generally with Nanoreno, once it's done, it's done. Posting is more about showing progress. Camille is going to be leaving the code open for people to look at to see how things done and I think she is going to be doing something about the process we went through, which might be interesting enough to post here maybe?
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